A Nexus Jacket Letterman jacket, also known as a Varsity jacket, is an American iconic tradition. Our jackets are made of thick warm melton wools and genuine cowhide leathers as well as vinyl (faux leather) and satin; they can last for decades, even a lifetime, if you take good care of your jacket.

Gently brush your jacket with a soft suede brush. You can also use a lint brush to clean your jacket after wearing it and before hanging it in a closet. Brushing removes surface soil and lint.
- Hang wool jackets on a plastic or wooden hanger in plastic between uses. Hangers should be sturdy and broad, so the weight of the jacket does not stretch the shoulder areas out of shape. In addition, hang wool jackets in an area with good airflow. If packed too tightly with other items, wool jackets may become crumpled. Also, wool hung next to dirty items may absorb some of the dirt or odour.
- Blot spills on wool immediately to sop up moisture. Use absorbent cloths or heavy paper towels and do not rub the spill. Rubbing will spread the liquid and push it deeper into the wool. If the substance spilt contains natural or chemical pigments (wine, ink, chocolate or coffee), consult a professional dry-cleaning company for what to do after blotting the liquid.
- The best time to take a jacket to the dry cleaner is at the beginning and end of the season. If wool jackets become exceptionally dirty for some reason, you may need to have them professionally cleaned more often. With normal use, however, once or twice yearly should be sufficient.
- Store jackets after the season in a breathable garment bag. This will help prevent moths and other insects from infesting the wool. For additional protection, you can add mothballs or store jackets with cedar chips (or other natural moth repellents).
- Our wool jackets should be professionally dry-cleaned.
- If you can avoid ironing a wool jacket, do so. If you’ve brought the jacket out of storage and let it hang for a while yet it still has wrinkles, iron on a cool setting. Place the jacket on your ironing board or a flat, clean surface, such as a table. Place a sheet or pillowcase over the wool jacket to protect it from the iron’s surface. Use steam for best results.
- Brush softly to remove all dirt and dust.
Cowhide leather should be cleaned using a soft, dampened sponge or cloth.
Remember to rub the leather gently in a circle until it disappears. - Apply some leather lotion on the sleeves and trim, same method of small circles.
Dry the leather gently with a soft cloth. - You can use a moist baby wipe to clean the inner lining of your Letterman jacket.
- Fill a bowl with warm, clean water and add about 4 tablespoons of a gentle, liquid cleanser, such as dish soap. Regular tap water is fine, but distilled water is always better.
- Dip a soft-bristled brush into your soapy solution, and then gently brush the vinyl sleeves.
- Rinse the sleeves with a clean, wet cloth.
- Run a soft, clean cloth over the sleeves to dry the fabric
- Satin jackets can easily be washed and dried, making them very easy to care for.
- Machine wash your satin jacket using the permanent press cycle and warm water wash.
- Dry your satin jacket on low heat setting in your dryer, or hang it on a clothesline to air dry in warmer weather.
- Remove from the dryer promptly and hang to avoid unwanted creases.
- Typically, our satin jackets do not require ironing, but if it’s necessary, use a warm iron.
When it’s time to store your jacket again, choose a cool, dry closet or room that has proper air ventilation and is removed from direct sunlight. Attics and basements, for example, tend to be vulnerable to moths, insects, mould and mildew. Make sure to hang the jacket, as folding can cause permanent creases and unsightly marks. If hanging is not possible, try rolling the jacket, starting at the neckline.
Cowhide leather is a natural material, it can be fragile if not looked after properly. If you want to preserve your Varsity jacket as long as possible, here are a few tips:
- Every month, or every two months depending on if you wear your jacket or not, clean your jacket with a leather lotion.
- Do not overload your pockets.
- Hang your jacket, close it and empty the pockets every time you take it off.
- To preserve the leather, it needs to breathe: keep your jacket in a ventilated room preferably covered with a breathable garment bag unsealed or cloth to keep dust free, and protected from heat and humidity. Do not place it in a plastic bag.
- If you do not wear your jacket for a long period of time, make sure it lies down, ideally in a satin or cloth bag.
- If your leather is wet, let it dry at ambient temperature, never bring it close to a heater as it might crack the leather.
- Never apply perfumes on the leather.
*** Do not hesitate to go to a leather dry cleaning professional who will take good care of your favourite Varsity jacket every one or two years.